Welcome! We are glad to see you at website of "Baltic Airlines" company!
We offer flights over St.Petersburg and to any destination in Russia, CIS and Finland. "Baltic Airlines" has passenger and freight heliocopters Mi-8.
Passenger heliocopter has 20 comfortable chairs, TV and WC. Our freight heliocopters are able to carry 3 tons. We are ready to offer you freight heliocopters which are able to take up to 20 tons of freight on board by special request.
The following routes are open at the moment:
- Sightseeing tour over St.Petersburg and palaces of Pushkin city, Pavlovsk and Peterhoff.
- General air-trip over St.Petersburg with birdview of historical center of St.Petersburg. (Regular flights every weekend and holiday).
- General air-trip over Peterhoff with birdview of fountaines and landing at Low Park. (Regular flights every weekend and holiday).
Besides, "Baltic Airlines" company is ready to do the following work and functions:
- Air taxi to any point of destination in Russia, CIS and Finland.
- Air tours to Pskov, Petchory, Kizhi, Novgorod, Pushkin, Pavlovsk, Peterhoff, Valaam and Konevits islands and islands of gulf of Finland and Solovki.
- Heliocopters for photographing and filming.
- Building and assembly jobs of high complexity.
- Wrecking
- Urgent [emergency] air evacuation and hospitalization (incl. Helsinki).
- Skydiving.
- Ad and demo flights.
- Yor advertisement on our heliocopters.
All flights are from Pulkovo airport, St.Peter and Paul fortress and landing ground in St.Petersburg.
If you like to obtain more information, please visit the following sections: "
In "ABOUT OUR COMPANY" section you can get more information about us and read some historical notes.
We'll be glad working for you!
with all the best,
Valery Fofanof
director general of "Air company "Baltic Airlines"
Air-trips over St. Petersburg season ended. (17.10.2017) |
Air-trips over St. Petersburg season ended on 7th october.
All our other services are still available right now. Next air-trips over St. Petersburg season will begin on 1th may 2018.
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